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Mangoshake is a creative studio based in Brno. We design narratives and craft pictures in order to produce artistic content.

Our job is to direct, art direct and produce visual artworks using various production techniques, including film, design and computer graphics.

We work closely with clients or agencies from around the world. We are highly collaborative and always strive to deliver original and premium quality visuals.

Get in touch


Mangoshake, Koliště 21b,
Brno 60200, CZ

+420 606 970 743
+420 734 300 765


We are always on the lookout for fresh creatives to join our team

Sustainable urban development

Project presentation film – Slavkov + Ateliér Štěpán

We partnered with Atelier Štěpán to collaborate on an urban development vision for the historically renowned city of Slavkov. The architects devised a sustainable plan for the city’s future, and our role was to communicate these ideas to the general public in a concise and engaging format, departing from the lengthy 300-page technical analysis.

To create a more personal experience, we proposed conducting short interviews with residents, the vice-mayor, and the architect. Additionally, we utilised animated architectural scale models to enhance clarity and effectively illustrate the urban principles and plans.


Direction & Production: Mangoshake, Music: Tomas Oliva, Designer: Slavkov

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